Spring is fast approaching and the time is coming to start to think about preparing your Hunt Surfhunter or Harrier for another summer of fun. Here are a few things to consider when preparing your boat while also extending its longevity.
Gelcoat: The hull and deck’s exterior skin are gelcoat. Gelcoat can be porous and over time become hazy and oxidized if not properly maintained. Prior to each boating season, the gloss areas of the hull and deck should be buffed with compound to remove the oxidation and waxed with a quality paste wax such as Collinite’s Fleet Wax.
Stainless: The stainless rails and fittings can be cleaned and protected for the season using products such as Collinite Liquid Metal Wax, Flitz or Never-dull. These will remove any staining and protect the surfaces.
Zincs: Remember to renew all zincs on the boat including the bow thruster zinc.
Outdrive: Annual outdrive services is recommended to keep the drive running smoothly season after season.
Engine: Annual oil change including oil & fuel filters are recommended. Also don’t forget to change the engine zinc.
Varnish: Varnish is there to protect the wood trim and finishing on your boat, and it also adds that touch of class. However, it does get affected by the weather and UV light from the sun, so just like you apply sunscreen every time you go sunbathing, you should apply two coats to all exterior varnish and high-traffic areas every year.
Batteries: Don’t forget to check your batteries and give them a charge before going back in the water.
Last, but definitely not least: Remember to install the transom garboard with a fresh “o” ring!
Proper annual bow to stern preventative maintenance goes a long way to preserve the longevity of your investment. Please feel free to contact Hunt Marine Services with any questions you might have about the upkeep of your boat.